The Wellbeing Champions are incredibly pleased with the total raised so far for our Saint Michael's Jumpathon event. When they started this project, they did not envisage being able to raise so much money! The total was revealed in today's assembly, when Jess and Sandra from Saint Michael's came to visit us again. So far, the total raised stands at £3842.77 - this is before Gift Aid. We have a number of thanks-yous to make...
Firstly, thank you to all the Oatlands Junior School children for being such enthusiastic star jumpers – it was amazing to see some of the children arriving through the school gates first thing in the morning and star jumping their way onto the playground!
Thank you to the teachers for finding time every day to allow the children to complete their star jumps and record them – I think everyone was surprised with just how many jumps they were able to do each day. The class who did the most star jumps during the week was Lemurs - they are now the proud owners of Michael the bunny!
And finally, an enormous thank you to all the parents, carers, family and friends who have sponsored the children. Every penny raised is going towards a great cause.
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