Anti-Fraud and Corruption Strategy and Fraud Response Plan(pdf)
Created September 2023Permalink
Red Kite Learning Trust is committed to discharging its responsibility to safeguard public funds and the highest standards of integrity. It is committed to fighting fraud and corruption whether attempted from inside or outside and is committed to having effective measures to prevent and detect fraud and corruption.
Charging and Remissions(pdf)
Created September 2024Permalink
Red Kite Learning Trust seeks to maximise the opportunities for all its pupils and students in all aspects of education. In this policy, the Trust seeks to abide by government regulations and where limited budgets allow, provide discretionary financial assistance
Complaints Policy(pdf)
Created March 2023Permalink
Red Kite Learning Trust is committed to providing the very best education and school experience to pupils across all its schools. Feedback is welcomed as an important part of continuous improvement and we accept that this will not always be positive. When concerns are raised, they will be dealt with promptly through a fair, transparent process and without prejudice. The following policy explains how to raise a concern or make a complaint and what process RKLT staff will follow to resolve the matter as quickly as possible.
Data Protection Policy (Incorporating Data Retention Policy and Photograph, Digital and Video Consent Policy)(pdf)
Created December 2023Permalink
The Academy Trust may be required by law to collect and use certain types of information to comply with statutory obligations related to employment, education and safeguarding, and this policy is intended to ensure that personal information is dealt with properly and securely and in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation and other related legislation.
Equality Policy(pdf)
Created September 2020Permalink
Red Kite Learning Trust is committed to advancing equality of opportunity, fostering good relations as well as eliminating discrimination, harassment and victimisation. We oppose all forms of unlawful or unfair discrimination, whether because of age, ethnicity, disability, gender, religion and belief, and sexual identity or any other condition or requirement which places a person at disadvantage and cannot be justified. The impact of all policies, practices and day-to-day activities are considered to ensure that no member of the community is discriminated or put at a disadvantage.
Created September 2017Permalink
The Department for Education provides a guide to the legislation that will govern the exclusion of pupils from: maintained schools; Academy schools/Free Schools; Alternative Provision Academies/Free Schools; and pupil referral units in England from 1 Sept 2012.
Freedom of Information Policy and Publication Scheme(pdf)
Created December 2023Permalink
Freedom of Information Policy and Publication Scheme
Health and Safety Policy(pdf)
Created September 2024Permalink
As a leader of the community that it serves, Red Kite Learning Trust recognises and accepts the financial and legal responsibilities and duties that it has for the health, safety and welfare of its employees and others affected by The Trust’s activities.
Management of Offsite Visits(pdf)
Created July 2023Permalink
Safely managed educational visits with a clear purpose are an indispensable part of a broad and balanced curriculum and a vibrant part of the academies within the Red Kite Learning Trust. They can be the catalyst for improved academic performance, contextual understanding, a lifetime interest or in some cases professional fulfilment. They are to be encouraged.
Premises Management Policy(pdf)
Created September 2024Permalink
Red Kite Learning Trust (RKLT) Trustees have overall responsibility for ensuring that each of our Academies, and all non- Academy premises, have specific premises management documents including planned maintenance schedules and risk assessments. The Trust Health and Safety Policy details the responsibilities placed on the CEO, Academy Principals/Head Teachers, Business and Operations Managers, Premises Managers/Site Managers, and other post holders, which should be read alongside this document.
Safeguarding Policy - Harrogate - 2024-25(pdf)
Created September 2024Permalink
Safeguarding Policy - Harrogate - 2024-25
Safeguarding Policy - Leeds - 2024-2025(pdf)
Created September 2024Permalink
Safeguarding Policy - Leeds - 2024-2025
Suspension and Permanent Exclusion Guidance Sept 2022(pdf)
Created September 2022Permalink
Suspension and Permanent Exclusion Guidance Sept 2022
Whistleblowing Policy(pdf)
Created September 2024Permalink
The Trust is committed to achieving the highest possible standards of service and ethical standards and this policy will enable you to raise your concerns of serious wrongdoing without fear of reprisal. This policy applies to all individuals working for the Trust at all levels and grades, whether they are employees, contractors, and casual or agency staff.