We are driven by our goal to innovate with technology.
We aim to deliver cutting edge solutions to the classroom making them more manageable and productive, alleviating the daily stress and strains of technical issues and supporting the best possible outcomes for the young people in our care.
This is all possible though a Trust-wide IT system which is used in each school, allowing schools to collaborate and share resources while being safe in the knowledge that their files and information are stored securely and monitored by a central team of specialists.
With every school in our Trust part of the same IT infrastructure and using centralised systems, like the MIS, filtering telephony and printing, we are also able to reduce management overheads and take advantage of our centralised procurement to reduce costs as much as possible. This system is highly scalable and simplifies the onboarding of new schools to our Trust.
Our Technology team provides support for a wide variety of schools and equipment, from schools with over 2,000 iPads in a 1:1 environment to smaller schools with a class set of laptops. Our team has a great deal of expertise in supporting iPads and are well versed in advising on the best way to introduce and manage 1:1 devices in a school environment.
Day to day support is provided through a highly-rated, centralised service, with requests for assistance able to be dealt with remotely by any of the team across our Trust or fixed onsite by colleagues based at local schools.
Each school also has a senior member of the team who is responsible for managing the service provided to that setting. Meeting regularly with Senior Leadership, they ensure the service is meeting expectations and help advise on any upcoming requirements and plans or projects that the school may have that involve the use of technology.
In additional the team can also advise and assist in the procurement of a range of IT systems and services to ensure the school and Trust receive Best Value and future proof their investment. These include:
- Desktops, laptops and tablet computers, including iPads
- Classroom and office equipment, including interactive and non-interactive displays
- Software and other licensing.