Educational Visits
Red Kite Learning Trust has a centralised procedure and policy for the delivery of off-site visits.
There is one external consultant available to the Trust which Educational Visits Coordinators (EVCs) can contact for any matters relating to off-site visits. Training sessions are available for any visit leaders who wish to organise their own visit. These sessions cover the use of Exeant (the centralised online approval system), the policy, individual school operating procedures and using the OEAP National Guidelines. In addition, Exeant allows the Governing bodies, Heads, and EVCs an overview of all activities which ensures all relevant persons are up to date with arrangements for visits and have a good source of information on which to base decisions relating to visits.
Jo Sutcliffe
Educational Visits Coordinator
Joanne has been the EVC for our Trust for over 10 years and a science teacher at Harrogate Grammar School for over 20 years. She has led and accompanied many adventures and residential visits both locally and internationally. Joanne is also an adviser for the Outdoor Education Advisers Panel, who are the nationally recognised lead body for guidance, advice and training related to outdoor learning and educational visits.